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Links for 2012-11-19

  • drip

    Unlike other tools intended to solve the JVM startup problem (e.g. Nailgun, Cake), Drip does not use a persistent JVM. There are many pitfalls to using a persistent JVM, which we discovered while working on the Cake build tool for Clojure. The main problem is that the state of the persistent JVM gets dirty over time, producing strange errors and requiring liberal use of cake kill whenever any error is encountered, just in case dirty state is the cause. Instead of going down this road, Drip uses a different strategy. It keeps a fresh JVM spun up in reserve with the correct classpath and other JVM options so you can quickly connect and use it when needed, then throw it away. Drip hashes the JVM options and stores information about how to connect to the JVM in a directory with the hash value as its name.
    (via HN)

    (tags: java command-line tools startup speed)