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Links for 2012-09-07

  • New UK Conservative Party Co-Chair Grant Shapps Founded Google Spamming Business

    Wow. Scummy stuff.

    Shapps founded HowToCorp in 2005, a site that, among other products, pitches the TrafficPaymaster software. The software apparently “scrapes” or copies content from all over the web, from RSS feeds to even sets of search results, to automatically generate pages that probably make little sense to the human visitor but which may pick up some traffic from Google and, in turn, generate clicks on Google AdSense or other ads.
    Google are not happy: On Sunday sources at Google confirmed TrafficPaymaster was in “violation” of its policies and that its search engine’s algorithms had been equipped to drop the ranking of any webpages created using HowToCorp’s software. Officially, Google said it does not comment on individual cases. “We have strict policies in place to ensure web users are presented with useful ads when browsing sites in our content network and to ensure our advertisers reach an engaged audience. If we are alerted to a site which breaks our AdSense policies, we will review it and can remove it from our network.”

    (tags: grant-shapps uk politics tories spammers spamming spinning adsense google spam trafficpaymaster)

  • NunatsiaqOnline 2012-09-06: The First Non-Inuk on the Moon

    No, I am not a conspiracy theorist who believes that Armstrong’s moon landing was faked at some mysterious location in the Nevada desert. Armstrong reached the moon. But his accolades are undeserved because he was not first. All right-thinking Nunavummiut know this, because we know that Inuit regularly visited the moon for centuries. David Iqaqrialu said as much in a heated exchange in the Nunavut legislature on May 6, 2002. We know it was heated because he prefaced his remarks by telling the Speaker, “I am starting to get hot under the collar…” He then went on to say, as reported in Hansard, “…it is not really related to the question that I posed, but this is background material. Inuit had reached the moon quite some time ago during the shamanistic ages, prior to the Americans reaching it with their machines and finding out it wasn’t what they thought it was.”
    (via Dave Walsh)

    (tags: inuit via:daev shaman nunavut neil-armstrong moon space exploration)