the VIM clutch : ‘VIM Clutch is a hardware pedal for improved text editing speed for users of the magnificent VIM text editor. When the pedal is pressed down, the pedal types “i” causing VIM to go into Insert Mode. When released, it types
and you are back in Normal Mode.’ (via Andrew Delaney)
(tags: via:delaney vim programming ui pedals vi modal foot-switch)Irish “Millennials” post more negative reviews than anyone else : ‘Millennials are more negative when it comes to product sentiment. They give more 1-star reviews than Gen X or Boomers; the most negative Millennials in our analysis hail from Ireland, where 12% of them give products 1- or 2-star ratings.’ Previously, we tended not to complain — not any more, it seems
(tags: ireland complaints whinging generations ratings reviews via:jim-carroll studies behaviour online opinions)VIDEO: Drone ‘spies’ on Mountjoy, and the Facebook and Google offices · The Daily Edge : TheJournal coverage of that drones-over-the-Aras video. some truly demented comments fearing for “intellectual property”, somehow
(tags: the-journal drones video youtube ireland privacy)“Finding the k shortest paths”, D. Eppstein, 1994 [paper] : 35th IEEE Symp. Foundations of Comp. Sci., Santa Fe, 1994, pp. 154-165. This paper presents an algorithm that finds multiple short paths connecting two terminals in a graph (allowing repeated vertices and edges in the paths) in constant time per path after a preprocessing stage dominated by a single-source shortest path computation. The paths it finds are the k shortest in the graph, where k is a parameter given as input to the algorithm. Time complexity: O(E*log V + L*k*log k) time (L is path length)
(tags: k-shortest-paths graph algorithms sparse-graphs)“K* : A Directed On-The-Fly Algorithm for Finding the k Shortest Paths”, Husain Aljazzar and Stefan Leue, 2008 : “We present a new algorithm, called K*, for ?nding the k shortest paths between a designated pair of vertices in a given directed weighted graph. Compared to Eppstein’s algorithm, which is the most prominent algorithm for solving this problem, K* has two advantages. First, K* performs on-the-?y, which means that it does not require the graph to be explicitly available and stored in main memory. Portions of the graph will be generated as needed. Second, K* is a directed algorithm which enables the use of heuristic functions to guide the search. This leads to signi?cant improvements in the memory and runtime demands for many practical problem instances. We prove the correctness of K* and show that it maintains a worst-case runtime complexity of O(m+k n log(k n)) and a space complexity of O(k n + m), where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges of the graph. We provide experimental results which illustrate the scalability of the algorithm.”
(tags: graphs k-shortest-paths algorithms papers)Floyd–Warshall algorithm – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : “a graph analysis algorithm for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph (with positive or negative edge weights)”.
(tags: graphs algorithms k-shortest-paths)