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Links for 2012-06-15

  • PGP founder, Navy SEALs uncloak encrypted comms biz • The Register : ‘The company, called Silent Circle, will launch later this year, when $20 a month will buy you encrypted email, text messages, phone calls, and videoconferencing in a package that looks to be strong enough to have the NSA seriously worried. Zimmermann says that surveillance by the state and others has increased vastly over the last few years, and privacy improvement are again needed. “At the very least I want people, as part of their right in a free society to be able to communicate securely,” he said in a promotional video. “I should be able to whisper in your ear, even if your ear is a thousand miles away.” […] While software can handle most of the work, there still needs to be a small backend of servers to handle traffic. The company surveyed the state of privacy laws around the world and found that the top three choices were Switzerland, Iceland, and Canada, so they went for the one within driving distance.’
    (tags: pgp phil-zimmermann privacy crypto silent-circle apps vc security)