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Links for 2012-02-24

  • BBC News – Sentinel project research reveals UK GPS jammer use : GPS jamming was this commonplace? I had no idea. ‘”We believe there’s between 50 and 450 occurrences in the UK every day,” said Charles Curry of Chronos Technology, the company leading the project, though he stressed that they were still analysing the data.’ […] “Most of them are used by people who don’t want their vehicles to be tracked.” (via Tim Bunce)
    (tags: via:timbunce jamming gps uk location chronos)

  • Library Closure of Type .nu : Alan Toner on’s shutdown. ‘The case of is significant because the demand for the works offered there demonstrates that filesharing is not just about pop music, porn and cams of action movies, but also those forms and sources of knowledge whose acquisition are ritually celebrated within ‘enlightenment’ culture. Many of those whose works were offered derive income not from royalties, but from related activities such as teaching and research. Such people were themselves an important component’ user base. Some have other means to access the same materials, others, especially those in countries with weaker education infrastructures and more emaciated library budgets, do not. Outside of formal education, the millions of online autodidacts may be denied access to material, seriously impinging on their lives and possibilities. When one considers the cost of text books and more especially scholarly articles, that is no hyperbole, and applies not only to the global south but the post-industrial north as well, awash in its dreams of knowledge economies and human capital.’
    (tags: alan-toner ebooks education filesharing copyright piracy)