The Captain of the Costa Concordia is Totally Screwed [OP/ED] : ‘For the most senior officer on board, the one who had been entrusted with the care and safety of this magnificent ship, his job was far from over. In fact the Captain had just added a new job title to his resume, that of ON SCENE COMMANDER. But apparently he didn’t realize it because he took off in a lifeboat, leaving this giant steaming pile to be picked up by the Italian police and Coast Guard who are continuing to search for survivors, and prevent looters from gaining access. The Captain didn’t just take off in a lifeboat, he left the entire scene completely.’ oh dear. (via Tony Finch)
(tags: via:fanf disaster ineptitude maritime boats tourism giglio sea sinking liners safety)Ultra Slow Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush : 36 minutes long. Actually BRILLIANT
(tags: kate-bush music sloooow 1978 youtube video via:rosco)