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Links for 2011-12-15

  • French President’s Residence ‘Busted’ For BitTorrent Piracy | TorrentFreak : ‘According to data from, a range of downloads have been actioned from the Palace including a cam copy of Tower Heist, a telesync copy of Arthur Christmas, and music from The Beach Boys.’ I love this. The data is, of course, filled with potential inaccuracies — and that’s the point
    (tags: bittorrent surveillance downloading internet privacy france hadopi)

  • SiliconRepublic story on CoderDojo : ‘it’s both incredible and poignant that a voluntary movement that was born in Ireland during the summer is about to go international. Coder Dojo, the brainchild of 19-year-old entrepreneur and programmer James Whelton from Cork and tech entrepreneur Bill Liao, began as a Saturday morning club for kids to teach each other software programming. It has grown into a national movement up and down Ireland, a place where kids and their parents can go and learn to write software code in a friendly environment. The first UK Coder Dojo was held in London only last week and other countries in Europe are clamouring to get the initiative started there, too.’ Good on them!
    (tags: coderdojo programming coding kids children teaching education tech ireland)