brandnewretro | scans from the past : a mate of mine, scanning Irish cultural artifacts from Ireland in the ’70s and ’80s. fanzines!
(tags: fanzines irish ireland history 1980s 1970s dundalk culture scans)Pound : ‘a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL’
(tags: https ssl http proxy web pound reverse-proxy)What is Facebook’s architecture? – Quora : nicely detailed summary
(tags: quora architecture facebook http web websites)How Little Sleep Can You Get Away With? : ‘after just a few days, the four- and six-hour group reported that, yes, they were slightly sleepy. But they insisted they had adjusted to their new state. Even 14 days into the study, they said sleepiness was not affecting them. In fact, their performance had tanked. In other words, the sleep-deprived among us are lousy judges of our own sleep needs. We are not nearly as sharp as we think we are.’
(tags: sleep rest brain science neuroscience)