Permanent TSB’s tracker-mortgage paydown option isn’t such a good deal after all : ‘it might be in your interest if you have a tracker mortgage and are unable to get a better rate of interest on the €5,000 that you are being tempted to repay PTSB. You can get up to 4.2% from PTSB deposit accounts, 9.7% from 10-year Irish sovereign bonds, 9% from residential property. Yet PTSB is prepared to give you less than a measly 2% over a five year period on your €5,000 repayment.’
(tags: ptsb permanent-tsb finance money mortgages tracker-mortgage investment)This Bacteria is Violating Copyright | | Science fiction and fantasy | Blog posts : the Joyce estate playing their usual role. ‘are we now nearing a point where copyright law can result in the retraction of a life form?’ (via John Looney)
(tags: copyright dna bacteria james-joyce joyce-estate frivolous lawsuits copyfight craig-venter)Virgin and NTL filtering fail : ‘Virgin and NTL [in the UK] blocked [] for years’ due to a false positive — joshua
(tags: false-positives filtering uk isps virgin ntl fail via:hackernews)