Digital Rights Ireland » Garda plans to introduce web blocking in Ireland : ‘Last year we revealed that the Department of Justice was working on secret plans to introduce internet filtering in Ireland. Now, despite a complete lack of any legislation, public consultation or democratic discussion, these plans have moved to the implementation stage.’ wtf, this is just appalling lack of oversight
(tags: gardai blocking filtering ireland politics legislation oversight isps ispai alto censorship eff)Daragh O’Brien on the Gardai’s plans to force ISPs to implement IP filtering : ‘Internet blocking is ineffective. The current proposal lacks sufficient checks and balances, and may even require ISPs and telcos to break other laws to comply. It will inevitably result in innocents being tarred as offenders. Data Protection principles (such as “Adequate, Relevant, and Not Excessive” are being blatantly ignored to implement an ineffective solution. Far better is to shut down the shop by removing the images at source and invest time, energy, and resources into a more transparent effort to manage this issue.’ well said
(tags: internet filtering censorship blocking gardai isps ireland data-protection privacy)