Yakuza 3 reviewed by Yakuza : wow, fantastic review — real Japanese mobsters give their take on SEGA’s latest videogame
(tags: crime games japan videogames yakuza sega)Man Lives In Futuristic Sci-Fi World Where All His Interactions Take Place In Cyberspace | The Onion : ‘In the blink of an eye, this real-life Johnny Mnemonic keys in his encrypted, top-secret passcode and enters the fortified binary area from which all his personal communiqués are sent forth in a dizzying array of ones and zeroes.’ brilliant pisstake of mid-’90s tech journalism (via Walter Higgins)
(tags: the-onion funny future futurism humour internet sf via:walter journalism cyberpunk 1990s cyberspace)Irish Hackerspaces Week : hackerspaces in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Belfast, running events all next week (08-14 – 08-22)
(tags: hackerspace hacking ireland conferences events)