Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1900 Hybrid TV (1179) – dabs.com : Back looking at these again, as Padraig noted the SundTek drivers are closed source; at least pvrusb2 is OSS
(tags: hauppauge drivers hardware linux tv tuners os)SEO Is Mostly Quack Science : ‘There is no hypothesis being tested here. It’s just graphs, and misleading graphs at that. The sad part is, SEOMoz is as close as the SEO industry comes to real science. They may be presenting specious results in hopes of looking like they know what they’re talking about, but at least they are collecting some sort of data. Everything else in the field is either anecdotal hocus-pocus or a decree from Matt Cutts. When you hire an SEO consultant, what you are really paying for is domain experience in the not-failing-at-web-design field.’
(tags: seo ted-dziuba rants science seomoz quality correlation statistics google)