The result of the IMRO & music blogger meeting | Nialler9 Music Blog : upshot: IMRO will think about it and get back to Nialler et al; in the meantime, everyone operates as before. one to keep an eye on, even if you’re not Irish; this will play out overseas soon too. Good call getting Simon McGarr along
(tags: music mp3 shakedown imro nialler9 ip)EU must break down national copyright barriers, says EU Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes : “There is a huge Digital Single Market for audiovisual material. The problem is that it’s illegal […] We have effectively allowed illegal file-sharing to set up a single market where our usual policy channels have failed.” “While the internet is borderless, Europe’s online markets are not. It is often easier to buy something from a US website than online from the country next-door in Europe. Often you cannot buy it at all within Europe.”
(tags: copyright piracy neelie-kroes quotes eu ec music ip)Cory Doctorow: Persistence Pays Parasites : ‘Falling victim to a [phish] isn’t just a matter of not being wise to the ways of the world: it’s a matter of being caught out in a moment of distraction and of unlikely circumstance.’ +1, that matches with the personal phishing stories I’ve heard from others
(tags: phishing cory-doctorow security anti-phishing scams distraction twitter)