Make your own sourdough | Life and style | The Guardian : more recipes. This one looks like a good guide to creating a starter culture, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while
(tags: sourdough bread recipes food guardian)Thomasina Miers’ simple Mexican recipes | Life and style | The Observer : some pretty good “ports” of Mexican recipes to ingredients available over here, must try these
(tags: mexican food guardian recipes tortas tlayudas ceviche tacos burritos)Stephen Walter’s The Island : truly amazing artwork, as featured in the BBC4 documentary ‘Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art’ last week. ‘The Island satirises the London-centric view of the English capital and its commuter towns as independent from the rest of the country. The artist, a Londoner with a love of his native city, offers up a huge range of local and personal information in words and symbols. Walter speaks in the dialect of today, focusing on what he deems interesting or mundane.’
(tags: maps stephen-walter cool detail the-island london)