Digital Rights Ireland blog post on the secret internet-filtering plans : ‘it becomes clear that for some time now the Department of Justice has been proposing the introduction of internet blocking in Ireland – and has been doing this under the radar, without any public consultation or legislative approval. Indeed, it is clear from the list that the Department is not planning on introducing legislation but instead intends to introduce this new form of censorship without any legal basis, based on the now discredited Norwegian and Danish models.’ This is very bad news indeed
(tags: ireland censorship filtering internet great-firewall dri politics freedom)Irish Dept of Justice secretly plotting a China-style “Great Firewall” : according to DRI’s TJ McIntyre via Karlin Lillington. “Blocking involves censorship taken on no legal basis. There is no judge, no jury and no right to be heard if you are blocked,” says McIntyre. “The chances are it also will be used in unaccountable ways by unaccountable organisations.”
(tags: blocking censorship government internet ireland dri filtering great-firewall)ClamAV and The Case of The Missing Mail – Return Path Blog : version 0.94.x got end-of-lifed a year after the release of .95, to fix a bug that would increase bandwidth consumption on their mirrors. To mandate upgrades, the devs sent a kill-switch trigger to .94 installations in the field. chaos ensues, unsurprisingly
(tags: clamav filtering mail ouch upgrades end-of-life support open-source sourcefire return-path)