Unit Testing Achievements : XBox style achievements for Python’s ‘nose’ unit testing framework, eg. ‘Major Letdown: all tests in a suite of at least 100 pass except the last.’ genius!
(tags: via:simonw funny testing unit-tests python xbox gaming achievements nose)FastMail and sessions : a clever HTTP session-management trick (via Tony Finch)
(tags: via:fanf web http sessions cookies fastmail)McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Selections From H.P. Lovecraft’s Brief Tenure as a Whitman’s Sampler Copywriter : Lovecraftian ads for chocolate. ‘There is a dimension ruled by a blind caramel God-King who sits on a vast, cyclopean milk-chocolate throne while his mindless, gooey followers dance to the piping of crazed flutes. It is said that there are gateways in our world that lead to this caramel hell-planet. The delectable Caramel Chew may be one such portal.’
(tags: caramel lovecraft mcsweeneys geek parody funny food cthulhu chocolate)Approaching 100% spam block: Spamhaus releases the Domain Block List : DBL announcement. working on the SpamAssassin support for 3.3.1…
(tags: spamassassin anti-spam dbl spamhaus dnsbls)