“Source Code Optimisation”, Felix von Leitner, Linux Kongress 2009 [PDF] : Good presentation on C compiler optimization, via Cal Henderson. ‘People often write less readable code because they think it will produce faster code. Unfortunately, in most cases, the code will not be faster.’ I particularly like ‘Fancy-Schmancy Algorithms’: ‘If you have 10-100 elements, use a list, not a red-black tree; Fancy data structures help on paper, but rarely in reality. (More space overhead in the data structure, less L2 cache left for actual data.)’
(tags: via:iamcal compilers c c++ optimization coding assembly speed for:colmmacc)Me and Belle de Jour – ‘Could it be Brooke?’ : LinkMachineGo knew the true identity of Belle du Jour way back when — and set a Google trap to ensnare snooping journos. nice work
(tags: belle-du-jour google blogging blogs via:waxy privacy googlewhack identity daily-mail journalism)