thread about iPhone 3GS shortages : YA set of “I got mine after queueing from 7.30am” posts. wtf Apple, this is a shambles
(tags: apple stock-control shipping ireland o2 boards just-in-time delivery retail not-very-good-at-this)A short history of btrfs [] : wow, sounds good! looking forward to this hitting production-ready status
(tags: btrfs history zfs linux open-source licensing storage sysadmin b-trees b+trees algorithms fs filesystems)Security Fix – Clampi Trojan: The Rise of Matryoshka Malware : ‘[Joe] Stewart said the sophistication and stealth of this malware strain has become so bad that it’s time for Windows users to start thinking of doing their banking and other sensitive transactions on a dedicated system that is not used for everyday Web surfing.’ it’s that bad
(tags: joe-stewart secureworks malware reverse-engineering clampi trojans banking security danger risks windows microsoft fraud)