Programmer Competency Matrix : actually quite a good breakdown of software eng skill progression
(tags: software coding programming management hiring engineering matrix skills)filemap : ‘File-based, rather than tuple-based processing’; based around UNIX command-line toolset; good UNIXish UI; lots of caching of intermediate results; low setup overhead — although it does require a shared POSIX filesystem, e.g. NFS, for synchronization
(tags: networking python opensource grid map-reduce filemap files unix command-line parallel distcomp)Negatendo: Let’s Buy Delicious Back from Yahoo! : wow. can we (and by “we” I mean “the people in my del network”) not just move en masse to Pinboard? ;)
(tags: pinboard delicious community social sns bookmarks links linkblogs yahoo spam-related Threadless tee : “Life would be easier if you could mark people as spam”
(tags: spam twitter clothing threadless tee-shirts apparel slogans)