Spam tool developer faces six years in chokey • The Register : ‘Between January 2004 until September 2005, [Ralsky accomplice David S] Patton developed and marketing his illegal bulk mailing tools via a firm called Lightspeed Marketing. Nexus was designed to falsify the headers of spam messages while Proxy Scanner was designed to channel junk mail through compromised zombie proxies, typically PCs in either homes or businesses infected with [trojans].’
(tags: spam alan-ralsky david-s-patton david-patton ratware nexus proxy-scanner fbi prosecutions lightspeed-marketing botnets proxies pump-and-dump stock-spam)Vague Scientist : “The Magazine For People Who Try To Have Conversations About Science News”. oh god, this is my life
(tags: vague science funny parody new-scientist comics via:bruce-sterling cartoon journalism)CompuServe “Logans Run”-Inspired Ad : “Someday, in the comfort of your home, you’ll be able to shop and bank electronically, read instantly updated newswires, analyze the performance of a stock that interests you, send electronic mail across the country, then play Bridge with three strangers in LA, Chicago and Dallas.” just not with CI$. oops
(tags: compuserve cis history antiques future jumpsuits logans-run scifi)