Delicious Search Results on Google : a Greasemonkey userscript that enhances Google searches with hits for the same search. works quite well
(tags: greasemonkey delicious scripts extension firefox google)Matthew Garrett on the Palm Pre : sounds like a lovely Linux system under the hood; glibc, upstart, ipkg, dbus. if only it did GSM/3G…
(tags: phones mobile palm palm-pre linux)Boxing above your weight : Chris Horn with advice for Irish tech startups from his experience with IONA. lots of IONA history here
(tags: iona irish technology business history startups advice chris-horn)Real-world cloud computing : experiences of startups who’ve worked with “cloud” hosting platforms. all these comments match my experience. also notable: ‘No one mentioned Google App Engine’ doh!
(tags: startups ec2 aws amazon scaling cloud-computing rightscale gae horizontal-scaling)