Ross Anderson elected as Royal Society Fellow : and about time too! (via Tony Finch)
(tags: via:fanf science royal-society frs ross-anderson security)Software AG’s Chief Strategerizer on “Enterprise” : ‘In the context of software, the word “Enterprise” has now officially come to mean software that sucks.’ uh, yep. and this is new? (via wmf)
(tags: via:wmf funny enterprise enterprisey software-ag sap software sales)Fianna Fail’s talking points memo for election canvassers : ‘A lot of [FF] canvassers are finding it tough on the doorstep.’ ‘be seen to highlight their points in a notebook’, ‘ask to record their name and email address so you can get back to them’, ‘when you show interest, they will be inclined to soften their [anti-FF] views’. also: show interest in kids, local sports team — what a cliche! possibly fake, though
(tags: fianna-fail politics ireland canvassing elections talking-points scans)