NYTimes Map/Reduce Toolkit : a super-simple MR wrapper in Ruby, wrapping Hadoop, inspired by Sawzall
(tags: hadoop ruby mapreduce nytimes distcomp sawzall dsls)Cision PR spam problems : I’ve been having the same problem myself, and it seems they’ve scraped my address and added it to their db in contravention of EU law. just sent an opt-out, it had better work
(tags: pr cision spam uk privacy)John Graham-Cumming: Why I wrote The Geek Atlas : sounds great! Mind you I prefer the original title, “128 Geeky Places To See Before You Die”
(tags: geek science jgc books reading tourism toget)Flare : ‘distributed, and persistent key-value storage compatible with memcached’, GPL’d, also featuring persistent storage, data replication, dynamic partitioning, failover, etc.
(tags: flare storage k-v-stores scalability memcached distributed tokyocabinet cache database)Hadoop Sorts a Petabyte in 16.25 Hours and a Terabyte in 62 Seconds : now that’s scale
(tags: hadoop benchmarks yahoo mapreduce sorting hdfs)