REST worst practices : good advice on things to avoid in providing a REST API from a Django app
(tags: rest django web http webdev web-services antipatterns best-practices)Consistent hashing vs order-preserving partitioning in distributed databases : ‘An order-preserving partitioner, where keys are distributed to nodes in their natural order, has huge advantages over consistent hashing, particularly the ability to do range queries across the keys in the system’
(tags: consistent-hashing order-preserving-partitioning partitioning sharding distcomp networking distributed databases k-v-stores cassandra)How to use JetS3t with Eucalyptus : wow, impressive i14y; also Eucalyptus now includes an S3-like service
(tags: ec2 eucalyptus jets3t s3 storage open-source java)Psych Ward episode 2 : vote for my mate Luke’s latest TV programme. it’s great
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