Ending BioShock : a much better ending than the real one
(tags: bioshock gaming videogames narrative plot)Little Bobby Tables’ Norwegian cousin : “Navn/foretaksnavn: ‘;UPDATE TAXRATE SET RATE = 0 WHERE NAME = ‘EDVIN SYSE’ ” — ahahaha!
(tags: lol sql haxx0ring xkcd funny security via:simonw norway little-bobby-tables xss escaping)OAuth Session Fixation Attack : the reason why Twitter, Y! (and others) shut down their OAuth services recently; a massive hole in the OAuth authorization protocol. this will be tricky to fix
(tags: oauth security twitter flickr holes yahoo google)Top Tips : some of the worst “top tip” sidebars collected from lowbrow UK mags. even shittier than the made-up Viz ones
(tags: top-tips viz funny advice idiotic omgwtf)