Abaca’s radical anti-spam tech wins at Yahoo! : claimed 99.997% catch rate, FP rate of 1 in a million, supposedly. sounds like a major leap forward if true. wonder how it works…
(tags: abaca anti-spam via:richi yahoo)Study finds pirates 10 times more likely to buy music : great stat (via Tony Finch)
(tags: via:fanf filesharing p2p mp3 piracy copyright piratebay downloads file-sharing)RTMPE : ‘Encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMPE or RTMPTE) is a proprietary protocol created by Macromedia used for streaming video and DRM.’ apparently used by RTE’s streaming video
(tags: rte drm security rtmp rtmpe macromedia flash video streaming)Some Notes on Distributed Key Stores : great investigation from Leonard Lin; Tokyo Tyrant gets a strong thumbs-up. also: ‘based on the maturity of projects out there, you could write your own in less than a day. It’ll perform as well and at least when it breaks, you’ll be more fond of it. Alternatively, you could go on the conference circuit and talk about how awesome your half-baked distributed keystore is.’ ha!
(tags: scaling storage distcomp k-v-stores tokyocabinet tokyotyrant voldemort mysql databases cassandra)Schooner Appliance for Memcached : you really know you’ve made it as open-source infrastructure when third parties are building custom off-the-shelf hardware platforms for your code. crazy stuff, though; isn’t half of the idea of memcached that you can run it on COTS hardware?
(tags: appliances memcached hardware caching web)pubsubhubbub : aka. PSHB. ‘open, web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol. Includes a [python] open source reference implementation’, from a mainly-Google-based team incl Brad Fitzpatrick. note: server-to-server only; there’s no NAT or COMET support
(tags: pshb web gae webhooks syndication xmpp pubsub pubsubhubbub google http atom feeds)