Mike Cardwell attempts to opt out of Phorm interception : I did just the same thing myself last week
(tags: phorm interception http privacy dpi advertising bt webwise org)RTÉ ‘gets it wrong’ with new music downloads which don’t work on iPods : ‘Launched recently at a cost of €230,000, listeners can buy tracks heard on the station’. the tracks are DRM-laden WMA files, so don’t work on iPods or any other MP3 player. sounds like the record labels browbeat RTE on this one, resulting in just another useless DRM store that nobody will use. great way to spend my license fee :(
(tags: rte waste fail mp3 wma music 2fm via:unarocks)recording what’s playing on PulseAudio : every sink (output) also provides a built-in “monitor” source. This script records the currently-playing audio to WAV
(tags: linux audio recording pulseaudio stream drm sox wav)Collectl : _very_ comprehensive Linux system monitoring tool; looks nifty! ‘Collectl tries to do it all. You can choose to monitor any of a broad set of subsystems which currently include buddyinfo, cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, network, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp.’
(tags: collectl linux tools sar processes disk cpu io monitoring sysadmin network)Cooliris For Linux : ‘a browser extension that leverages the GPU to allow users to visually navigate photos, videos, games, and news stories from their favorite sites on a full screen 3D wall’. sounds nifty, must give this a try
(tags: cooliris linux 3d vizualisation photos firefox)JG Ballard dead : of cancer at the age of 78. one less genius alive
(tags: jg-ballard ballard dystopia sf fiction future literature authors)