Message Queue evaluation notes from Second Life : fantastic research notes; they’ve identified a lot of niggles and problems with the existing queueing systems out there
(tags: messaging scalability queueing rabbitmq mq amqp jms queue secondlife via:proggit)Full data export from : awesome! full artist/album/track data for decades of dance music releases, released to the public domain
(tags: discogs music dance-music public-domain open-data data tracklistings)comment from RabbitMQ dev regarding the Twitter/Scala/Kestrel drama : ‘Writing messaging systems that work under any combination of flows, on any number of machines, and in multiple different reliability scenarios … is a more interesting problem. Page-to-disk is a way to make RabbitMQ better and address more scenarios.’
(tags: rabbitmq disk persistence queueing messaging async twitter scala kestrel)