Damien Katz: Moving To California : another developer moves! a lot of people doing it recently, which worries me; will there be any top expertise left outside of the Bay Area at this rate? we need diversity
(tags: diversity bay-area california living work)Angry villagers run Google Street View out of town : fetch the pitchforks! Street View bin worryin’ my sheep! Buckinghamshire yokels fear change
(tags: funny privacy uk google street-view buckinghamshire yokels crime paranoia)COBOL ON COGS : ‘COBOL ON COGS SUPPORTS STANDARD TERMINALS (VT100 AND IBM 3200) IN THE MOST USEFUL SCREEN CONFIGURATIONS SUCH AS 80X20 AND 40X16’ (via Nishad)
(tags: via:nishad funny web coding ruby rails retro webdev cobol)