how to reset an cable box : press “Help” then the yellow button. very useful for when it loses BBC4, which it’s just done _again_
(tags: cable tv television ntl ireland tips reset stb set-top-box)Scaling Lucene and Solr : extremely detailed, lots of useful tips here (via mattb)
(tags: via:mattb lucene solr scaling scalability search java)TxFlash : paper on “transactional flash” — transactions implemented at the filesystem level using useful properties of SSD storage. nice research
(tags: transactions transactional storage research flash ssd via:storagemojo)Ireland not open for business, says Twitter innovator : an interview with @blaine after his relocation to Antrim. not a great article, really. in fairness, he’s obvs never had to relocate from Europe to the US; I’ve done it, and it’s as much of a bureaucratic minefield in my experience
(tags: ireland northern-ireland blaine-cook economics business)