Facebook’s Cassandra distributed database : bookmarking this a bit late, but going by the Google Code site it seems to be taking off quite nicely, and heading for the Apache Incubator
(tags: cassandra facebook java scalability p2p papers dynamo bigtable hbase database data-store distributed data storage)explaining Python 2.5’s “with” keyword (PEP-343) : RAII syntactic sugar. I like
(tags: raii python with context-managers coding scope peps)joint press release from Eircom and IFPI re the “3 strikes” case : ‘The record companies have agreed that they will take all necessary steps to put similar agreements in place with all other ISPs in Ireland.’
(tags: isps ireland eircom ifpi irma emi piracy filesharing bittorrent)very odd comment from an Airtricity spokesman regarding their recent customer-data leak : ‘Airtricity has not taken legal action against any bloggers in relation to information posted about this incident.’ well, that’s good of them! wtf
(tags: omgwtfbbq airtricity cluetrain pr leaks privacy legal ireland blogging via:damienmulley)An Interview With Adam Olsen, Author of Safe Threading : safethread is a nice patch for Python 3000 implementing a new approach to concurrency in the Python internals. I like the “branching-as-children” approach to threading, using variable scope to enforce the thread lifecycle
(tags: threading safethread python python3000 programming concurrency branching-as-children scoping)