Some Things Need To Change : Mike Arrington finds himself victimised by crazies — ‘I write about technology startups and news. In any sane world that shouldn’t make me someone who has to deal with death threats and being spat on. It shouldn’t require me to absorb more verbal abuse than a human being can realistically deal with.’ holy crap
(tags: wtf technology techcrunch life blog michael-arrington startups crazy)alternative Flickr photostream for my photos : via “I Hardly Know Her”, a sister site to great UI for viewing a set of Flickr photos
(tags: flickr photos muxtape ui web pictures)pgTAP: Unit Testing for PostgreSQL : ‘Unit Testing for PostgreSQL’. application of the perl-style TAP unit test protocol for testing an SQL database, good idea
(tags: unit-tests testing sql postgres database postgresql tap perl)Updated: A Year Later, AOL Is Contemplating A Bebo Sale : fair dues to Bebo for pulling the wool over the eyes of the ad agencies, if this account is true. suckers!
(tags: media advertising business bebo acquisitions aol recession marketing london suckers)