‘Megaupload auto-fill captcha’ Userscript : omg this is brilliant — a Greasemonkey user-script containing a neural network, *in Javascript*, to solve MegaUpload’s CAPTCHAs in your browser. this may be the coolest userscript ever
(tags: userscripts neural-networks javascript cool programming greasemonkey ai captcha via:reddit omg)behind Masal Bugduv : The Times got pranked by an anonymous Irishman
(tags: masal-bugduv football funny the-times journalism via:bwalsh ireland irish gaeilge m-asal-beag-dubh)SarahLacy.com: Google Dethroned? : is Google losing its knack? Twitter/Facebook more popular than Google during the inauguration; Hulu provide a better search experience than YouTube (although not so much for non-USians). interesting theory
(tags: google youtube hulu twitter facebook companies via:mattcutts)