Google AppEngine abuse : possibly the first AppEngine site run by spammers — a fake storefront, reportedly
(tags: google appengine abuse web spam scams)TweetBackup : free Twitter backup site; nicely done. runs daily; doesn’t need your Twitter password; and exports to text and HTML
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(tags: storage databases sca scalability memcached architecture aws performance simpledb couchdb dht voldemort scalaris hypertable hbase dynamo)Green party says sorry for e-mail gaffe – Times Online : wow, the “communications manager” for the Green Party is an unrepentant asshat. ‘some bloggers have developed their own set of rules about how they should be approached and the e-mail in question fell foul of these rules.’ Nice non-apology there! Entirely wrong — Unsolicited Bulk Email is spam, even if you’re a politician
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