“Holy Fucking Shit I Was Just In A Plane Crash!” : twittering a pretty scary aviation incident, no less
(tags: news twitter microblogging planes crash aviation web)Hasbro has dropped their idiotic Scrabulous lawsuit : hopefully someone in there finally figured out that the massive resurgence of Scrabble’s popularity was due entirely to the Scrabulous team’s homage. I’m still never playing it again though: worse than crack
(tags: scrabble scrabulous cluetrain copyright hasbro games facebook law)More coverage of the spam fine increase : ‘Mobile-phone users must now “opt in†for a company to contact them. “If you don’t agree to be contacted, then it is an offence to contact you,†[asst DPC] Delaney said. “Opt in†agreements can now only last a year. “Within that period a company must contact you to request that you extend this “‘opt in’ phase,†he said.’
(tags: opt-in anti-spam spam ireland dpc data-protection sms texting law)max fines for Irish spammers increase to EUR250k or 10% of turnover : good news. the Data Protection Commissioner: ‘Increasingly, in this period of economic downturn, my Office is receiving complaints about businesses making unsolicited contact with their past customers for marketing purposes. In many cases, such contact is unlawful and, if carried out by telephone, text message or email it may be a criminal offence. Ignorance of the law is not an acceptable excuse for non-compliance and I will have no hesitation in applying the full force of the new regulations to offenders.”
(tags: data-protection ireland law anti-spam sms texting spam dpc)Solid State Disks – time to give up that iron oxide habit : legendary Sun performance guy Adrian Cockcroft sez: ‘spinning rust is dead, and a large number of basic assumptions […] are now wrong. In 2009 SSD’s will be faster for read, faster for write, faster for sequential and much much faster for random access, more reliable, more durable, lower power, higher capacity, than discs. […] SAN’s are now a complete waste of time. There is so much reliable I/O performance available in a single drive, that it makes much more sense to put SSD’s in the systems and access them directly. Accessing an SSD over a SAN adds a huge latency and cost overhead. It makes much more sense to use node-to-node replication for critical data.’
(tags: disks storage san ssd performance io future planning)