On Why Auto-Scaling in the Cloud Rocks : asshat on the ORA blog posted something about how he didn’t like auto-scaling server infrastructure, seemingly because he hadn’t seen an implementation he liked. Debunked by SmugMug
(tags: ec2 scaling auto-scaling scalability cloud-computing aws automation)Amazon EC2 Now Available in Europe : Euro-hosted EC2 nodes. woo! wonder if they’re in the Digital Depot…
(tags: aws ec2 amazon hosting ireland europe)LINX on the IWF/Wikipedia fiasco : good wrap-up. hilariously, traffic to the blocked page “increased by more than 200 times normal” [levels], after the block was imposed, due to the press their screw-up received. also the image was still available elsewhere, including Amazon. oops! nice work IWF
(tags: iwf fiasco wikipedia filtering squid proxy blocklists http)