How I learnt to love Perl : a great paean to Moose, Test::Class, Devel::DProf, and other good features in modern perl programming
(tags: perl programming via:reddit moose oop objects dprof)Dogs in Elk : another interwebs classic thread. “I have a giant incredibly heavy piece of carcass in my yard, with 2 dogs inside of it, and they are NOT getting bored of it and coming out. One of them is snoring.”
(tags: dogs-in-elk dogs funny humour elk food wildlife carrion snoring carcass)Microsoft offers free access to CPAN developers : 6 VMs running different versions of Windows, in order to ensure CPAN modules run OK on ‘doze. this is awesome, and UNIX vendors should be doing the same
(tags: perl microsoft windows cpan testing porting strawberry-perl xp vista)Python Makes Me Nervous – Ted Dziuba : both points are pretty valid, I’ve been hurt by them before
(tags: python duck-typing exceptions coding reliability ted-dziuba software)