Social Media Backlash Against Cheaters and Fleshmongers : Ian Kallen on spam-battling at Technorati, Ning, Digg, YT: ‘It seems to be an accepted truism that social media oft demonstrates, All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites. Yep, I’ve talked to folks from Six Apart, WordPress, Tumblr, Twitter and elsewhere. We’re all feeling the pains of success. Over the past month at Technorati, we’ve purged about 80% of the porn that was active in the search index. Sure, we’re not spam free yet but the index is getting a lot cleaner.’
(tags: anti-spam web technorati ning digg youtube ian-kallen)Mathematica on Amazon EC2 : legendary maths app can now spawn EC2 servers to perform heavyweight calculations in parallel. Very clever move! (via Waxy)
(tags: ec2 aws mathematica cloud-computing elastic maths via:waxy)