o2sms v3.11 : oh thank god for that; scripty, scrapey access to O2.ie’s web-SMS system without having to use their now-broken website. yay for Mackers
(tags: o2 sms texting ireland mobile-phones)Mozilla Foundation’s non-profit status in question : under audit by the IRS; it receives 88% of its revenues from one source, Google. ‘While the Foundation did not automatically qualify as a public charity with public support at 33% of total support, it believes that it qualifies as a public charity under the facts and circumstances test with public support over 10%.’
(tags: google mozilla non-profits foundations revenue irs techcrunch open-source)CBL on the McColo outage’s effects on botnets : great article, with lots of good facts and figures. Best bit: ‘if you noticed a steep decline in spam in your inbox as a result of the McColo disconnection, this is an indication that you need better spam filters.’ heh
(tags: mccolo spam anti-spam botnets cutwail cbl xbl ozdok mega-d asprox rustock bobax srizbi warezov)