Bank of Ireland leak data on another 900 customers : clowns. Also, the deputy Data Protection Commissioner gets a massive FAIL: ‘While the loss of the data was a concern he said the likelihood of a fraud was “relatively remote”.’ Since the likelihood of me crashing my car driving at high speed is similarly “relatively remote”, I’ll ignore speed limits, then
(tags: relatively-remote clowns bank-of-ireland inept data-protection privacy identity-theft via:waider security banking ireland fraud)Jail Sentences For Fake Reviews : under new EU legislation, due to come into force next year, it will be illegal for businesses to “falsely represent oneself as a consumer” by, for example, writing a fake review of their own service
(tags: reviews law ireland eu europe consumer-rights)Gnip giving up on XMPP (for now) : ‘XMPP is causing us pain and eating cycles’ … ‘too many scattered implementations, leaving it in the “immature” bucket.’ it seems and Google are throttling Gnip traffic
(tags: gnip xmpp jabber google twitter drama protocols microblogging via:ssethi)EMEW : ‘Enhanced Message-ID as Email Watermark’. basically similar to how SpamAssassin’s VBounce ruleset detects bounces by spotting mailserver fingerprints in the Received: header, but using the Message-ID: header instead
(tags: backscatter headers rfc-2821 smtp rfc-2822 message-id barricademx mdn dsn)