nice testimonial : ‘With the money that’s been paid back so far, including one loan in full, I was able to lend $25 each to two women in Peru to purchase animals. Which means I’ve been able to make $150 worth of loans, even though I’d only “invested†$100. Put another way: my $100 has done $150 worth of good in the world. This makes me really happy. ‘
(tags: kiva microloans charity testimonials loans developing-world)Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Counting & Timing : great blog post from Cal @ Flickr about their system-monitoring graphing backend, using custom RRDTool daemon and UDP notifications. very nice indeed
(tags: rrdtool flickr sysadmin graphing monitoring stats udp)Operation Digout – Anti Gov Builder Bailout Action : bananas. Members of an Irish web forum are lobbying the EC to intervene in the Irish govt’s planned bailout of the construction industry through (more!) cheap home loans. I wish them luck
(tags: property-pin ireland housing bubble builders bailout budget eu ec europe lobbying via:mulley)