Dabble DB : looks like a web-based version of good old Filemaker
(tags: dabble-db databases web db spreadsheets analytics groupware)retrocomputing hackers reminisce about the 1541 diskette drive : skip to the comment thread, it’s fantastic. I used to know lots of this stuff (via Donncha)
(tags: via:donncha commodore-64 hacks 1541 disks copy-protection drm hardware hacking history retro c64)MPLC racketeering Irish playschools : the ‘Motion Picture Licensing Company’ sent a letter to 2,500 Irish playschools, demanding a fee of EUR3 per child to cover license fees for the kids watching DVDs. However, it seems they themselves hadn’t registered as required by law, so were acting illegally in issuing demands… oh the irony
(tags: mplc racketeering law ireland dvds movies mpaa licensing copyright legal children kindergarten playschools)Komplett’s new Dublin pick-up point is open : routing around the Irish couriers and An Post’s brokenness by allowing customers to pick up their items directly. a shame this is necessary
(tags: an-post delivery couriers dublin ireland komplett components pc hardware)