Tech Bubble 1.0 Stars: Where Are They Now? : wow, who the hell are these people? totally forgotten
(tags: web1.0 interwebs via:nishad trivia history)YA Mac apps list : bookmarking for more crufting of the OSX laptop
(tags: macos mac applications todo)Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services : a definition of a “Free Service”, an open-source form of SaaS. uses the Affero GPL
(tags: saas cloud-computing software open-source gnu gpl affero web floss fsf freedom free-software)The Risk of ePassports and RFID – THC Blog : hacker group THC release an RFID-passport cloning/modification tool, noting that e-Passports are fundamentally insecure due to their trust of self-signed certificates. Also raises the Smart-IED attack danger: ‘A Smart-IED waits until a specific person passes by before detonating or let’s say until there are more than 10 americans in the room.’
(tags: via:schneier security terrorism risks rfid e-passports certificates pki)