THE FOURTH QUADRANT: A MAP OF THE LIMITS OF STATISTICS By Nassim Nicholas Taleb : ‘Statistics can fool you. In fact it is fooling your government right now. It can even bankrupt the system (let’s face it: use of probabilistic methods for the estimation of risks did just blow up the banking system).’ (via Gary Stock)
(tags: banking probabilistic-methods probability statistics investment black-swans nassim-nicholas-taleb via:gstock essays the-edge)International Expert Group – Report – The Innovation Partnership : ‘the findings and recommendations of the International Expert Group on Biotechnology, Innovation and Intellectual Property’. Very anti-Bayh-Dole and the “old IP” patent-everything regime as it pertains to biotech. great stuff (via Techdirt)
(tags: via:techdirt bayh-dole ip patents biotech canada reports)Greg Kroah-Hartman rips Canonical a new one : over allegations that they do not contribute enough development effort to the Linux ecosystem; in all major components, they push a truly miniscule amount of patch code upstream
(tags: canonical linux greg-kroah-hartman code open-source free-software distros packaging upstream debian)