30% Of Internet Users Admit To Buying From Spam : ugh. we need a reminder of the Boulder Pledge. Mind you, Marshal have put out what appear to be inaccurate figures in the past regarding the Rustock botnet, so apply a pinch of salt
(tags: marshal spam boulder-pledge commerce shopping statistics via:techdirt)more details on EC2 Elastic Block Store : achieves 70MB/s on an m1.small instance; ‘performance exceeds what we’ve seen for filesystems striped across the four local drives of x-large instances’. pretty good for a network filesystem, although not great compared to fast local SATA disks. also: snapshots are incremental and perform nicely compared to local S3 copy-and-upload
(tags: ebs amazon performance benchmarks s3 ec2 disks snapshotting filesystems)Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) : ‘Prior to Amazon EBS, block storage within an Amazon EC2 instance was tied to the instance itself so that when the instance was terminated, the data within the instance was lost. Now with Amazon EBS, users can chose to allocate storage volumes that persist reliably and independently from Amazon EC2 instances.’ — can even snapshot to S3
(tags: amazon ebs ec2 aws s3 cloud-computing hosting)