Federal Circuit Says Open Source License Conditions are Enforceable as Copyright Conditions : ‘the conditions of the Artistic License are “enforceable copyright conditions.”‘ hooray (via Nat Friedman)
(tags: via:natfriedman open-source artistic license licensing software law us-law)joshua confirms the “Yahoo dropped the del.icio.us ball with a pointless 3 year rewrite” story : ‘The writer is accidentally correct – we were told that it had to be in PHP to get ops support.’ Incredibly stupid mistake by Y!; I’m thankful we in Deersoft fended off the same potential disaster
(tags: yahoo rewrites coding c++ php mod_perl perl ops timewasting waste del.icio.us via:dare)“Anatomy of a Subway Hack” [PDF presentation, 87 slides] : a fantastic prez by 3 MIT students working under Ron Rivest, successfully hacking the Boston subway system’s stored-value magstripe cards and MIFARE Classic RFID cards; really fantastic walkthrough of the process. I’m glad to see that my smartcard work on other systems a few years back would have defeated many of these attacks ;)
(tags: mifare rfid smartcards security pen-tests hacking defcon presentations mbta magstripe)Anti-Virus Products Still Fail on Fresh Viruses : shocking — the malware distributed by the Storm “CNN headlines” campaign, which has been ongoing for weeks, remains undetected by F-Prot, F-Secure, McAfee, Panda, Symantec and Trend, along with 16 other antivirus products. reactive AV simply doesn’t work anymore
(tags: antivirus fail mcafee f-prot f-secure panda symantec trend security worrying av broken)removing outdated ssh fingerprints from known_hosts : avoiding the annoying “REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!” warning, using “ssh-keygen -R hostname”
(tags: ssh tips unix scp known_hosts)