The Trifecta of FAIL : ah, the hazards of monkey-patching core classes illustrated perfectly; a Ruby point-release upgrade broke Rails (via chromatic)
(tags: ruby rails monkeypatching ouch programming coding oo subclassing apis)best intranet form ever : ‘The software my employer uses for booking holidays has recently been “upgraded” and we now need to specify an absence reason.’ there are several hundred reasons, including ‘Abortion’, ‘Stroke’, ‘Warts’, ‘Dementia’, ‘Rectal Problems’, ‘Manic Depression’ and, um, ‘Wax’. best of all, this is for booking time off in advance…
(tags: intranet funny inept hr wtf daily-wtf bureaucracy pto holidays)Sup : ‘a console-based email client for people with a lot of email [..] The goal of Sup is to become the email client of choice for nerds everywhere.’ Looks like they’ve nicked a few ideas from GMail, too (via Luis)
(tags: via:tieguy console linux unix sup mail mail-readers ui apps)