alt microblogging platform with a few key wins over Twitter & Jaiku: stability (so far!), open, decentralized, and Affero-licensed OSS. I’m “jm” on it, but not writing there — yet. but looking forward to an API so I can add it to twit.ie
some third-party app developers get access to it, some don’t. one dev says: ‘It’s frustrating to just get locked out after spending so much time making stuff for Twitter users’
910-node cluster sorting 1TB of data in 209 seconds, using Hadoop and HDFS. I wish we had a Hadoop cluster to do SpamAssassin mass-checks on ;)
‘a fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue service’, written in C with libevent, lots of client libs for different languages. Nice lifecycle model. The queues are not persistent yet, though, unfortunately