It’s been a while since I’ve listed the various sub-sites of in one post. I’ve just updated the wiki’s index page to include them, so might as well list them here, too:
my blog – you’re reading it ;)
IrishPulse – a site to aggregate the live updates of scores of Irish Twitter and Jaiku users.
Irish Blogs Top 100 By Technorati Rank – a ‘Top 100’ list of Irish weblogs, based on Technorati’s readership-estimation data.
Nearly-Live Planetary Desktop Backgrounds – desktop-sized high-quality PNG images of near-real-time cloud and satellite data, to create a nifty, nearly-live world map.
the C=64-izer – turn an image into something like what it’d look like on a Commodore 64.
Spicylinks – an automated link-blog summarizer similar to HotLinks, but open source.
Planet Antispam – syndicating a collection of anti-spam blogs.