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Plug plug

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about good shopping experiences I’ve had. Here’s a couple: I’m a terrible shopper. I hate shops, I always wind up having to visit them at their busiest times on the weekend, and the last time I tried to go shopping for a new pair of shoes, I got caught in torrential rain, fell over and broke my thumb instead. seriously. So feck that.

Instead, I resolved to buy them online, and that I did — from SoleTrader. They had a great range of trainers, I found what I was after, the price was grand, and delivery on time. Shoes are always the same size — their sizes are standardised, after all — so naturally they fit fine. All in all, it worked out great.

Be Organic: these guys operate in North Dublin, delivering bags of organic fruit and vegetables to your door, weekly. We get the Essential Fruit Bag and the Mini Box, with a bi-weekly bag of spuds on top, for EUR 32 per week. The quality of the food is absolutely fantastic, there’s never any spoilage or wilting, and it’s always fresh and delicious. Compared to supermarket fare, it’s leagues ahead. They’ve also been grand and flexible when we need to tweak the order slightly — for example we have a veto on celery, and that’s not an issue at all. The only problem would be that they’ve recently increased their prices… but unfortunately that seems to be a general problem in Ireland these days!